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Religious Education & Collective Worship

The aim of collective worship is to provide the opportunity for pupils to:

  • reflect on values that are of a broadly Christian nature and on their own beliefs
  • develop a community spirit, a common ethos and shared values
  • consider spiritual and moral issues

Statutory Duty of School

All schools provide daily collective worship for registered pupils (apart from those who have been withdrawn by their parents). This is usually provided within a daily assembly.

The head teacher is responsible (under the School Standards and Framework Act 1998) for arranging the daily collective worship. Daily collective worship must be wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character. The precise nature will depend on the family background, ages and abilities of the pupils. However, if it is inappropriate for some of the pupils to take part in Christian collective worship, the head teacher's discretion may be applied.


Collective worship, whether in assembly or tutor time, will:

  • be acceptable to the whole community, staff and pupils 
  • include a variety of elements at different times 
  • involve the pupils

Collective worship at Battling Brook will usually be organised in phases (ie R and KS1 and KS2). The school aims to meet as a whole once per week. These acts of collective worship will be in the main school hall.

Guest speakers will be invited as appropriate.

Parents will be invited to a class assembly or performance once per year.

Collective worship assemblies should include a prayer / time for reflection and a hymn as appropriate.