Pre-School Applications Open 1st September
We will shortly begin to accept applications for pre-school places for September 2025.
Our provision will be offered as a class setting, just as we do in the main school. It will be led by a qualified Early Years Practitioner and supported by key workers. This decision has been made to better support your child and prepare them for their transition into primary education. Please note that we only offer 30 hour places. If you are only eligible for 15 hours funding, then the additional hours are chargeable.
Any parent who wishes to accept a place at Battling Brook Pre-school will be expected to send their child every day from 8.45am until 3.15pm. At this point, we are not able to meet individual requests from parents to only attend for certain days or some mornings/afternoons. Whilst we understand that this will be a very different way of working for some parents, we feel that this is extremely beneficial for both the children and staff.
Please find below a copy of our admission process and an application form. You can either complete the form and email it to or print the form and complete and return it directly to the main school office. We will contact all successful applicants in Januay 2025.