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HERO - High Level Strategic Vision 2022-2025

HERO Strategic Vision 2023-26

Intro: At Battling Brook, we are committed to cultivating a happy and thriving school in which all people feel they belong and have a thirst for ongoing learning.

Our Vision: With children at the heart of everything we do, our vision is to deliver Holistic, Effective, Resilient and Outstanding education and development (Our HERO vision).


Our Aims:                                                                                  Promoting:

We are all of equal worth                                                         Equality

I will do my best and do my best for you                              Active Learning

If you need me, I will be there for you                                   Compassion

We take pride in each other’s achievements                        Honour

Because we live, learn and succeed as one body.

The HERO (Holistic, Effective, Resilient, Outstanding) Strategic Vision:

We want to see the school support our children and help them to thrive and become the heroes of the future.  To facilitate this, the governing body are committed to supporting the school to deliver Holistic, Effective, Resilient and Outstanding education and development, via our HERO strategic vision:

Holistic:  To design and deliver an ambitious broad and balanced curriculum with active learning for all leaners, that enables pupils to consistently make (progress year on year).

Our pupils will have exposure to a wide range of enriching experiences and knowledge; including reading and writing, maths, humanities, arts, PSHE, science, SMSC, ICT and sports.  These will be actively integrated into and delivered through a planned and relevant curriculum.

Effective:  To ensure the effective and sustainable deployment of all resources for both the children of today and tomorrow.

Our staffing, finances, buildings and grounds, policies and practices are driven by the needs of our school community and children, and will be optimised to ensure that pupils and all stakeholders receive the best experience whilst ensuring resources are well managed for future generations.

Resilient:  To actively promote the personal development, resilience and emotional well-being of all people at the school.

Development of emotional, behavioural and social well-being, in a manner that empowers pupils, staff and parents to be able to respond to difficulties in a positive and proactive manner, raise aspirations and encourage students to be given time to think, reason and become more empowered in the learning process.

Outstanding:  To ensure our organisational culture and people enable pupils to flourish and learn with equity.

We recognise the importance of having a strong culture that promotes high levels of aspiration in our pupils (irrespective of current/prior attainment, SEND barriers, disadvantages) and staff, high quality levels of adaptive and inclusive teaching, effective safeguarding and pastoral support, strong attendance, positive behaviour and attitudes, healthy relationships and strong parent engagement.