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School Staff

Senior Leadership Team


 Mrs L Mathie
 Head Teacher 

  • Having worked at Battling Brook since 2003, I am proud of our school community and how we work together to achieve our school aims and develop as learners.
  • At home, I love nothing more than snuggling up with a good book or watching a film as a family and entering into the realms of imagination...we are particularly partial to a Harry Potter marathon!
  • I try to lead a healthy life as possible and enjoy gym classes and outdoor walks, but I am also no stranger to a huge bag of revels and a warming mug of caramel latte!

Mrs Laura Lyons

Business Manager

  • I am married with 4 children and 2 dogs.
  • I love to read
  • I enjoy going to music concerts.

Mrs V Barlow
KS1 Assistant Headteacher

  • I love going on holiday. Some of my favourite destinations have been, New York, Sri Lanka, California and Greece.
  • If I had to choose one meal to eat every day it would be a Nandos. Yum!
  • As a family we love animals and have pet cats and a dog. We also love a day trip to the farm or zoo.

Mr R Dadley
KS2 Assistant Headteacher

  • I love spending time with my family going on long walks, watching movies and going on holidays.
  • My favourite football team is Coventry City.
  • We have two pets at home, our dog Cooper and our cat Salem.

Teaching Staff

(in alphabetical order by last name)

Miss L Bailey

  • I have a dog named Ella.
  • My favourite colour is blue.
  • I love to travel and go on holiday.

Miss M Barrow

  • My favourite chocolates are Maltesers
  • Penguins are my favourite animal.
  • My favourite movie is Beauty abd the Beast, and I have visited the castle where it was filmed.

Miss M Bilson

  • I am a huge supporter of Leicester City Football Club.
  • I love to travel to faraway places such as Ghana and China.
  • I enjoy hiking.

Miss R Burgess

  • I have two beautiful daughters, who keep me very busy at home.
  • In my spare time I enjoy running and doing crafts with my daughters.
  • My first choice of restaurant would be anywhere with Thai and Vietnamese food!

Mrs F Burnett

  • I am a bit of a daredevil.  Over the years, I have done scuba-diving, white-water rafting, gliding, parachuting, parascending and paragliding.
  • I love Galaxy chocolate!
  • I adore travelling. I have inter-railed around Europe, visited many cities in America, Australia and New Zealand.

Mrs V Davison

  • When I have spare time, I enjoy being outdoors with my family, particularly visiting various National Trust sites.
  • One of my favourite past times is to experiment with cooking a wide variety of meals that my family pretend to enjoy.
  • Although I try hard to stay fit by running and going to the gym, I also love curling up on the sofa with a DVD and a bar of chocolate.

Mrs H Dickins

  • I love making memories with my son Archie.
  • I have recently got married in Cyprus.
  • I love going on holidays with my family.

Mrs L Ettridge

  • I have a black Labrador called Kayla who loves to swim!
  • I enjoy playing hockey every Saturday for the Atherstone Adders.
  • I love visiting the Lake District.

Mr A Fellows

  • I love Wolves Speedway.
  • I support Wolverhampton Wanderers.
  • My hobby is long distance running and I have done a marathon and a 40 mile run!!!

Mrs C Fitzgerald

  • I have 2 house bunnies.
  • I love superhero movies.
  • Chocolate is my favourite food.
Miss l Jenkinson

Mrs L Foster

  • I love sport, my favourite is netball.
  • I enjoy going to the cinema with friends.
  • I look forward to the challenges that each new year brings.

Miss J Gilbert

  • Spending time with my family and friends is so important to me; I love nothing more than to relax with them.
  • I am a huge thrill seeker and enjoy doing anything that will get my adrenaline flowing. Before I become too old, I have a long list of things I would like to do. Above all, I would like to drive a super car, have a ride in a helicopter and go scuba diving.
  • My most enjoyable things to do outside of work are: to indulge in some retail therapy, watch a film at the cinema or venture out for a delicious meal. My favourite cuisine is most certainly Indian food.

Mrs A Halkett

  • I am now many years into my teaching career at Battling Brook and have loved every minute! My favourite subjects to teach are English, Science and E-safety.
  • I enjoy travelling and have visited many interesting countries and cities around the world. My favourites include: Thailand, Malaysia, New York, Paris and, although it is closer to home, The Lake District.
  • I am inspired by JK Rowling and would one day love to write my own book. My dream car would be an Aston Martin Vanquish – let’s hope I win the lottery sometime soon!

Mrs S Imber

  • When I am not teaching here, I can usually be found in a cleaning frenzy at home (there are no crumbs allowed in the Imber house!)
  • I have three boys (hence the cleaning), so am very busy running around after them and trying to avoid stepping on pieces of Lego!  We love to go on holidays and our favourites are the Isle of Wight and Devon.  We are yet to all go on a plane so are saving for a big exciting holiday in the next few years!
  • I am a big food fan. I love baking, cooking and could eat cheesy pizza all day long.

Mrs G Johnson

  • In my spare time, I love cooking, reading and walking with my husband and two children.
  • Skye, who is a Border Collie, is my beautiful pet dog.
  • My favourite subject is maths because I like finding interesting ways to solve number problems.

Miss M Jones

  • My favourite Disney film is Toy Story; my two dogs are called Buzz and Woody.
  • I want to visit the Caribbean and explore all the islands.
  • I really like chocolate!

Miss H Khan

  • I can speak three languages fluently. Sometimes I even confuse myself when trying to find the right word!
  • My favourite place is my home. I like to spend my free time sipping Earl Grey tea and reading.
  • I like walking and keeping fit with yoga.

Ms T Kingdon

  • Pablo, my gorgeous cross-breed, is often mistaken for a girl as he looks like he is wearing make-up.
  • Once, I was rescued from the sea after being swept away whilst surfing.
  • In my spare time, I enjoy creating works of art using a variety of media.

Mrs K Leedham

  • I love to read - there's nothing better than being transported to the imaginary world of a good book!
  • I really enjoy being by the sea. I'd live on the coast if I had the chance.
  • If I were a millionaire, I would travel the world.

Miss K Lees


  • I have a dog and a horse, who keep me very busy.
  • I love travelling and visiting new countries.
  • I enjoy running and try to get to lots of races at the weekend.


Mrs A Munnik

  • I adore the summer and my favourite activity is going on a sunny holiday. However, I don’t manage to see many sights as I am permanently sitting in the sun with a fabulous book in my hand.
  • I have a great appreciation for all food, but my heart really lies with a bag of Cheetos.
  • I absolutely love watching Say Yes to the Dress as I prepare for my upcoming wedding (if you catch me chatting it will most likely be wedding related)

Mrs K Pickering

  • I like chocolate.
  • I enjoy doing zumba dancing.
  • I love anything that is sparkly and pink!

Mrs L Prince

  • Much of my time is spent with my family. I have a daughter and a son, and we love to spend time going for walks, watching movies and reading together.
  • One of my favourite things to do is exercise! In my spare time, I will usually be found at the gym.
  • Since being a child, I have loved to read and my absolute favourite thing to do is to lose myself in a good book. My all-time favourite books are the Harry Potter series, though. 

Mrs S Rhodes

  • I am married and have a little boy called Jamie.
  • I have a rescue dog named Penny.
  • I love shopping!

Miss H Simpson

  • I have been horse riding since I was seven years old, and would love to have my own horse one day.
  • I love going on holiday anywhere sunny.
  • I enjoy listening to music.

Mrs C Skyte

  • I LOVE the Lake District - my husband and I even got married on a mountain in full wedding dress attire in 2021!
  • My hobbies include walking our dog Isla, mountain hiking, reading, kayaking, biking, watching films and spending time on holiday in our caravan.
  • My favourite lessons to teach have got to be English and Art.

Mrs L Sugg

  • Sitting by the fire with a hot chocolate is my favourite thing to do.
  • I love going on holiday; I prefer colder climates, but I do love a good festival!
  • When I was younger, I received a choral scholarship, but now I avoid singing at all costs!

Mrs J White

  • I live in a bungalow with my husband, daughter, two sons and our dog - Humbug!
  • We love going for walks and taking trips to the seaside.
  • I love playing football, and I'm very proud to be a part of a woman's football team.

Mrs S Woodcock

  • Running is my favourite sport. One day, I would like to run a marathon!
  • I absolutely love drinking tea (especially with a biscuit).
  • My son and I enjoy visiting the farm and feeding the animals.

Mrs L Woodward

  • I am married with two young children.
  • My passion is travel. I love to discover new places to visit and enjoy eating a range of different food from different parts of the world.
  • I love to cook and to get lost in a book!

Pre-school staff 

Mrs L Hallam

Pre-school Manager

  • I am married with one child and three step-children.
  • I love the colour purple and butterflies.
  • I love to go on holiday.

Mrs L Bright 

Pre-school Assistant

  • I have a cockapoo puppy.
  • I am a figure skater.
  • I can do a backflip.

Miss L Hassell

Pre-school Assistant

  • I live with my two children.
  • I love horseriding.
  • I have a dog called Eric.

Miss J Thompson

Pre-school Assistant

  • I am a mother of two children called Emily and Max.
  • I like going on holiday to Lanzarote.
  • I am a Coventry City season ticket holder.

Mrs J Bown

Pre-school Cleaner

  • I'm married and have five adult children.
  • I have thirteen grandchildren and two more expected.
  • Five of my grandchildren attend the school and one who attends the Pre-school.

Mrs D Irving

Pre-school midday supervisor/cleaner

  • I am married with two grown-up children.
  • I love going on holiday.
  • Going out with family and friends is one of my favourite things to do.

Mrs K Simmons

Pre-school midday supervisor/cleaner

  • I love going on holiday to Canada and Germany.
  • I have a dog called River.
  • I am married with four grown-up children.

Admin & Pastoral Team

(in alphabetical order by last name)

Mrs T Bruce

Pastoral Care Behaviour Mentor 

  • I love spending time with my grown-up children, Jacob, Jared and Hetty.
  • I enjoy holidays, eating out, shopping and gardening.
  • I live with my daughter Hetty and her hyper, crazy dog Archie!

Mrs V Cropper

Administration Officer

  • I live at home with my husband, two beautiful daughters - Isabel and Molly, and my two cats.
  • My favourite place to go on holiday is Australia.
  • I love Italian and Indian food.

Mrs Y Langlands

Pastoral Care First Aid

  • I am married with grown-up daughters, and a very loving and energetic spaniel called Milo.
  • My Favourite holiday is anywhere by the seaside and watching the sunset.
  • I enjoy ice-skating and watching other winter sports such as skiing and ice hockey, but not participating!

Mrs F Lucas

Family Liason Officer

  • Losing myself in a good book is one of my favourite pastimes. I particularly like books by Robin Hobb.
  • I love ballet and going to the theatre.
  • My daughters both went to Battling Brook.

Mrs N Sheppard

Administration Officer

  • I am married with three grown-up children.
  • My favourite place to visit is San Sebastian in Spain.
  • I love to travel and try new foods, which I then try to cook at home.

Miss K Welsh

Administration Officer

  • I love to read.
  • I love animals.
  • I enjoy running and hope to complete a half marathon one day.

Support Staff

(in alphabetical order by last name)

Mrs C Arnold

  • I live at home with my husband Paul and our two children.
  • I enjoy spending time with friends and family.
  • I like shopping and afternoon tea.

Mrs M Arnold

  • I live with my husband and two children.
  • I have a dog called Benji.
  • I love shopping.

Mrs M Aspley

  • I live at home with my husband John and I have two grown-up daughters, Laura and Sarah.
  • My hobbies are swimming and retail therapy.
  • I love my job and find it very rewarding!

Mrs K Bartlam 

  • I am an identical twin to Mrs Godfrey.
  • I am married with two children.
  • I enjoy running, eating chocolate and working in the Foundation Stage.

Mrs C Bennett

  • I have one daughter.
  • I like to be outdoors.
  • I love spending time with my family.


Mrs T Bowler

  • I am married and have two children.
  • I enjoy pottering around my garden.
  • My favourite things to eat are sushi, steak (medium rare) and Cadbury's fruit and nut chocolate!

Mrs A Broughton

  • I am married and have two children.
  • I enjoy reading and playing badminton.
  • I went to Australia to visit my brother. Whilst there, I cuddled a koala and fed some kangaroos.

Mrs A Carman

  • I love shopping.
  • I am an animal lover and have lots of pets.
  • I enjoy reading.

Miss J Carnall

  • I lived in Spain for two years.
  • I can do something unusual with my lips.
  • I can balance Maltesers on my nose!

Miss L Cope

  • I love art and being creative.
  • I am addicted to Internet shopping!
  • I enjoy going on holiday with my family.

Mrs M Clayton

  • I am married to the most wonderful husband, Pete. We have two amazing children.
  • I can't live without sport! And Food!
  • I love to travel.

Mrs Y Daniel

  • I am married with three children.
  • Our family pets are a cat, 5 chickens, 2 lizards, a chameleon and lots of fish.
  • I like to relax with a good book and lots of chocolate!

Mrs P Darji-Hackworthy

  • I am married and have two children.
  • I moved to Hinckley from London five years ago.
  • I have a keen interest in fitness and nutrition. I also love to read.

Mrs S Ensor

  • I am married to a wonderful husband. We have two beautiful daughters.
  • I feel blessed to be doing a job that I love!
  • My favourite colour is pink.

Mrs A Fellows

  • I am a mother to two lovely children.
  • I like reading and speedway.
  • I love watching crime movies.

Mrs E Finney

  • I love long walks with my two children and my two dogs.
  • I enjoy Body Combat at the Leisure Centre.
  • I am a swimming teacher in my spare time.

Miss R Haddon

  • I love running with my local running club, especially when I can wear my club running vest for races!
  • I enjoy exploring National trust and English Heritage properties.
  • I love to curl up with a good book. I especially love The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Miss L Hanson

  • I am a mum to two boys.
  • I love animals.
  • I'm addicted to sweets!

Mrs S Hasler-Cope

  • I am married with two children and a dog called Ruby, who we adopted from a rescue centre.
  • I like to do outdoor lake swimming!
  • I have been lucky enough to visit lots of places all over the world. Some of my favourites are Hong Kong, Berlin and Las Vegas.

Miss A Hextall

  • I enjoy Karate.
  • I love spending time with my three children and two dogs.
  • Chocolate is the best thing EVER!

Mrs J Hopewell 

  • I love going on holiday.
  • My favourite food is chocolate.
  • I enjoy going shopping.

Mrs A Ingall

  • I am married with two daughters.
  • I love listening to music.
  • I enjoy going swimming!

Mrs L Jones

  • I live at home with my husband and two daughters.
  • I am a twin, but we were born in different months!
  • I was a student at Battling Brook.

Mrs T Lee

  • Both I and my two grown-up daughters all went to Battling Brook.
  • I have been an Aston Villa supporter for over 35 years.
  • I love cats, listening to Paul Weller and watching the Brownlee Brothers in Triathlon.

Miss T Leggetter

  • I am a mum to a son.
  • I love animals and wildlife.
  • I have a cockapoo called Maisie.

Mrs L Merry

  • I live with my partner Andy and two children - Travis and Jasmine.
  • I used to be a pupil at Battling Brook!
  • I have two guinea pigs called Fred & Bo.

Mrs K Monger

  • I am married and have two children.
  • I love exercising, running and knitting.
  • I am friendly, outgoing and well-mannered.

Mrs E Phillips

  • I love to paint and draw.
  • I enjoy eating chocolate.
  • I live at home with my husband, my two children and my dog called Maxi.

Mrs C Piccinno

  • I am married with three TEENAGE(!) children and two cats.
  • I am a grammar nerd!
  • Whilst on holiday in Kenya, a Maasi Warrior offered to buy me...for five cows!

Dr M Powers

  • I have a doctorate in archaeology, and have always loved the subject!
  • I am passionate about learning and teaching others.
  • My ambition is to convert a van into a motorhome and travel around with my partner.

Mrs S Rowley

  • I am married with two children.
  • I'm originally a theatre set designer from Belgium.
  • I love arts, crafts, Lego and travelling the world!

Mrs J Sikhon

  • I enjoy travelling, especially when it's somewhere with hot weather and plenty of culture.
  • My hobbies are going to the gym and listening to music.
  • My favourite food is Thai food. It's colourful with plenty of spices.

Mrs F Swain

  • During the summer 2020, I learnt to kayak and climbed Helvellyn.
  • I have been a pupil, and a parent at Battling Brook.
  • My husband and three sons are all avid Leicester City fans, but I don't like football.

Mrs K Timms

  • I am married and have one child.
  • I love to read crime stories.
  • I enjoy my garden.

Mrs A Walkley

  • My favourite things are singing in a gospel choir, swimming, holidays and cycling.
  • My favourite foods are cheesy chips, chocolate and ketchup (not together!)
  • I can perform major gymnastics feats ie cartwheels and headstands!

Ms S Wightman

  • I live with my two daughters.
  • I enjoy shopping, going to the theatre and cinema.
  • I play badminton and like going out for meals with my friends.

Mrs J Wilkes

  • I got married in the Dominican Republic.
  • I enjoy cake decorating and gardening.
  • My favourite food is Garlic Chilli Chicken.

Mrs S Wyatt

  • I have an English setter called Maple and a lop-eared rabbit called Benjamin.
  • I love running and would love to run a marathon.
  • I used to live in Spain on the outskirts of Madrid.

Midday Supervisors

(in alphabetical order by last name)

Mrs H Frost

  • I am married and have one child.
  • I have four dogs that I love walking.
  • I love Christmas and spending time with my family.

Mrs V Griffin

Midday Supervisor/cleaner

  • I have three daughters.
  • I enjoy walking my dog.
  • I love going on holiday in my motor home.

Mrs R Hoare

  • I am married with three lovely children, two boys and a girl.
  • I have two pet tortoises.
  • I like to keep busy and be out and about with my family.

Mrs R Ibberson

  • I live at home with my husband and our three amazing children.
  • I love family film nights - eating lots of chocolate and popcorn!
  • My favourite time of year is Christmas; I get very excited!

Mrs N Owens

  • I am married to Jamie and have three wonderful daughters.
  • My favourite music is Take That!
  • I love the X Factor, and I am team Edward!

Mrs C Richardson

  • I am married and have 3 children.
  • I love going on long walks.
  • I have four dogs and a cat that has three legs.

Mrs L Thornber

  • I am married, and I have two children and a dog.
  • I love Nutella.
  • I like watching rugby and support Leicester Tigers

Mrs K Vaughan-Prosser

  • I love crisps, ready salted are my favourite.
  • I hate the long, cold winter.
  • I love taking my dog, Max, for walks.

Mrs R Whittaker

  • I live at home with my husband and two boys.
  • We have a pet dog.
  • I enjoy going on holidays and love watching the footy.

Premises Staff

Mr M Dowall
Site Manager

  • I am married with two children.
  • I enjoy all types of sport and keeping fit.
  • I love working on DIY projects.

Mr D Hackett                                                                                                                      Premises Assistant 

  • I love playing football.
  • I support Chelsea football club.
  • I love going on holiday with my family.

Mrs M Steel

  • I love cats.
  • I have beautiful twin daughters.
  • I like cleaning.

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